Monday - Friday, 7.30AM to 4.30PM
Call us now +6281312214898 or +6287730660102 or +6287730660102

Interested in collaborating with us?

Our services start from product development, Product Registration (BPOM)/(KEMENKES), Halal Certification Registration(MUI), Laboratory test services.

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About Us

PT. Lucas Djaja is a pharmaceutical company that was founded in 1968 and became one of the first pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia to get a certification of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in 1990.

Obat Farmasi obat-obatan kesehatan Pharmaceuticals syrup tablet Generic Generik Suplemen Herbal Softcapsule vitamin Cosmetics Kosmetik Antiseptic Antiseptik Disinfectan Disinfektan


  • Providing affordable health products through continuous innovation
  • Managing business process based on the fundamental of operational excellence, cost leadership and fulfillment of product quality supported by the competent employes
  • Become a strategic partner industry for alliances in the development and produce the health and cosmetic products


  • A reliable and trusted pharmaceutical company that produces health and cosmetic products to improve the quality of life Indonesian people
Obat Farmasi obat-obatan kesehatan Pharmaceuticals syrup tablet Generic Generik Suplemen Herbal Softcapsule vitamin Cosmetics Kosmetik Antiseptic Antiseptik Disinfectan Disinfektan
Obat Farmasi obat-obatan kesehatan Pharmaceuticals syrup tablet Generic Generik Suplemen Herbal Softcapsule vitamin Cosmetics Kosmetik Antiseptic Antiseptik Disinfectan Disinfektan
Obat Farmasi obat-obatan kesehatan Pharmaceuticals syrup tablet Generic Generik Suplemen Herbal Softcapsule vitamin Cosmetics Kosmetik Antiseptic Antiseptik Disinfectan Disinfektan



Obat Farmasi obat-obatan kesehatan Pharmaceuticals syrup tablet Generic Generik Suplemen Herbal Softcapsule vitamin Cosmetics Kosmetik Antiseptic Antiseptik Disinfectan Disinfektan


Obat Farmasi obat-obatan kesehatan Pharmaceuticals syrup tablet Generic Generik Suplemen Herbal Softcapsule vitamin Cosmetics Kosmetik Antiseptic Antiseptik Disinfectan Disinfektan

Obat Farmasi obat-obatan kesehatan Pharmaceuticals syrup tablet Generic Generik Suplemen Herbal Softcapsule vitamin Cosmetics Kosmetik Antiseptic Antiseptik Disinfectan Disinfektan


Obat Farmasi obat-obatan kesehatan Pharmaceuticals syrup tablet Generic Generik Suplemen Herbal Softcapsule vitamin Cosmetics Kosmetik Antiseptic Antiseptik Disinfectan Disinfektan


Our Address

Jl. Ciwastra RT.07 / RW.06, Kel.Margasari, Kec.Buah Batu, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Email Us

Call Us

+62 8131 2214 898
+62 8773 0660 102