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Do you know what Pharmacovigilance is?

Pharmacovigilance involves all activities related to detecting, assessing, understanding, and preventing adverse effects or any other drug-related issues. Pharmaceutical companies are required to implement pharmacovigilance in accordance with the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority Regulation Number 15 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Pharmacovigilance.

Pharmacovigilance includes monitoring and reporting of the following:

  1. The safety aspects of drugs to detect, assess, understand, and prevent adverse effects or any other related issues.
  2. Changes in the benefit-risk profile of drugs; and/or
  3. Quality aspects that affect drug safety.

As part of the implementation of pharmacovigilance and to improve public health and safety concerning drug usage, as well as contributing to the assessment of the benefits, risks, effectiveness, and safety of the drugs we market, PT Lucas Djaja has created a platform to receive complaints regarding products manufactured, distributed, and marketed by PT Lucas Djaja. This demonstrates PT Lucas Djaja's commitment to enhancing and maintaining product safety, efficacy, and quality.

If you have any product complaints related to Product Quality or Adverse Drug Reactions, please contact us by clicking the link below:

Click here to contact us